We are all about serving the community and showing the love of Jesus in all we do.

We focus our outreach projects to the indigenous community. In Palmira Arriba, Panama, we work along with Panama Assist Ministries (PAM) who built the church pavilion and they provide meals to the children each week.

We have Mike Young with Bread of Life World Missions who sponsors the missionaries who work with the coffee plantation that provide Sunday service and weekly school to the children. Mike also works with his team with the refugee camps in Gualaca, Panama.


We have started home Bible study groups to teach and train the the believers we have ministered to in Bible study.

We also work with indigenous camps and food delivery with missionary Dan Salas.

We provide a food pantry under the direction of Doralys Caballero



For our members we offer men's and women Bible studies and a women prayer group.

Under the direction of Amy De La Zerda we have a student ministry outreach. This group meets monthly at her home. The youth have Bible teaching, games, food, and fun times learning about Jesus.


Our Focus is to teach and train our members to be able to go out in the community and share the Gospel.

It is not just about knowing who Jesus is, it is about having a personal relationship with Him.

Our focus is to equip our church members to make disciples through serving and sharing the Gospel.

See photo's of youth fellowship with Pastor Terry cooking pancakes and our youth leader Amy De La Zerda teaching and equipping our youth.