We believe God's beautiful future is already breaking into our present experience through the love of God, Grace of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
LaVinaChiriqui is committed to the proclamation of the Kingdom of God, to bearing witness to the deeds of the kingdom through healing (physical, emotional, and spiritual), righting social injustice, and deliverance to those held captive by the kingdom of darkness..
Our small groups provide opportunities for spiritual development, challenging studies and serve as a catalyst for spiritual growth and motivation to serve God with all our heart
We endeavor to meet the needs of our community through various programs and by partnering with other ministries.
Our goal is to share the Gospel to the Least, the Last, and the Lost and to show the love of Jesus in all we do.
E-mail: lavinachiriqui@gmail.com
Address: Potrerillos Arriba, Chiririqui, Panama.
Phone: 6362-6967